(NHS) National Health Service it is public healthcare funding system in the United Kingdom. Which provide free health care to public, recently there has been different issue that face the Organization.
One of the biggest problems that NHS faced today is expensive treatments. Expensive treatments can be affect the public and employee. For example, the rare of doctor and the get paid less. Secondly, the government use NHS as political ball. Thirdly, lack of funding cause to cut nurses and other staffs jobs and that affect the patient. Also, long waiting lists. Many people complain from staff shortages and that because of lack of funding. Some people issue that the main problem not the lack of funding but the funding that available is spent in the wrong way. Also some issue such as high caesarean rate, infection control, obesity in pregnancy, financial challenges, cutbacks and shut down of the Albany. Also, New drugs, new medical technology and treatments for previously untreatable conditions. The chronic diseases for older people. The huge increase in population effect the NHS. Finally, the main point is that NHS cannot offers for every one care system and will not in the future until they find solution for some of big issue.
NHS principle
1. That it meet the needs of everyone
2. That it be free at the point of delivery
3. That it be based on clinical need, not ability to pay
I watched the blood donor video and I enjoy it, it shows how donned blood can be helpful
wikipedia.org/. (2011). National Health. Available: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Health_Service_(England). Last accessed 6 May 2011.
John, R. (2011). socialistparty. Available: http://www.socialistparty.org.uk/articles/6762. Last accessed 20th July 2010.
John, R. (2011). socialistparty. Available: http://www.socialistparty.org.uk/articles/6762. Last accessed 20th July 2010.
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